We’re incredibly grateful to be in a position to call on the advice of these seasoned professionals to help light the way across any number of the many areas that Good Business Matters operates; from strategy and vision to tactical and the creation of propietary projects through purpose-led work.
We refer to this small but mighty panel of individuals as our Good Guidance System.
Jane Hadjion
Corporate Ecologist & Director, Contexis
Jane is a leading business thinker and shaper. She works with executive teams to help integrate the social and environmental impact they generate into their organisational frameworks. She is passionate about transitioning the business community to profit via purpose.
Col Duthie
Chair, Donkey Wheel House
Col is a strategist with a true wealth of experience. He has worked with the Senior leaders of many of Australia’s largest social impact organisations. He’s a convenor and facilitator with an innate ability to see patterns and make connections.
Chris Lombardo
Chief Executive Officer, The Bridge Darebin
Chris is a successful and experienced Executive Officer with a history of working in the community sector. She has a well-demonstrated flair for entrepreneurial innovation and is passionate that every human is entitled to a fair go.
Daniel Madhavan
CEO, Impact Investment Group
Daniel is passionately curious about shaping business and finance as tools for building a better world. He’s an ardent believer that finance can be great for people and planet and that by helping transform economic systems we can create a path to meaningful environmental and social impact.
Ben Gleisner
Co-founder & CEO, CoGo
Ben was part of New Zealand’s 2009 Treasury team that developed the Living Standards Framework, now the backbone of Jacinda Ardern’s 2019, Wellbeing Budget. A year later, he launched Conscious Consumers, recently rebranded as CoGo, the world-leading ethical app helping people live their values by enabling them to make more ethical consumer choices.
Finbar O'Hanlon
Technologist & Entrepreneur
Fin is a marvel to behold and a guide who cuts a path like few others. He is a digital media technologist, entrepreneur, musician and futurist. He was both Founder and CEO of Linius Video Systems, now listed on the ASX, and is a key stakeholder in a host innovative projects, large and small, across the world.