refocused on a feeling

Cogo was failing to connect. They’d lost sight of what their brand stood for and the feeling at the heart of their product:

“You’re not in the carbon data business, you’re in the ‘building a sense of certainty’ business”

Emotionally meaningful brands perform better. So, what was it that stakeholders could love about Cogo?

“The greatest, most memorable brands in history all have one thing in common. They engage us. They leave us feeling inspired, energised and connected”

Cogo. A Certain Difference


Cogo provides carbon management products that enable individuals and businesses to measure, understand and reduce their impact on the climate


What We Did

Developed Cogo’s brand and impact strategy, aligning both disciplines around a clearly defined and articulated brand essence.

Guided and catalysed the team to collectively work toward the single-minded, emotionally engaging idea which sat at the heart of who they were as individuals and as a group.

20-month contract to develop and activate global brand and impact strategy across fast-growing, multi-region business.


Double exposure of girl looking to camera

Process and Output


For the board, leadership executive and ever expanding team to clearly understand exactly what it was about their carbon data products that could really mean something to their customers, staff and investors, they needed to experience a deep dive and highly strategic exploration of their brand.

We engaged every member of Cogo and re-focused them on their brand as the nexus around which everything that pertains to Cogo could revolve and evolve. We ran brand essence workshops and synthesised the findings to emotive themes from which a clear positioning could emerge. 

We developed the global brand strategy, architecture and key features alongside the development of Cogo’s impact strategy:

  • Defined and articulated brand essence, positioning and creative direction;
  • Refined the theory of change, definition of impact and impact model. 
  • Evolved the impact model, metrics and dashboards and developed Cogo’s ‘why and how we measure impact’ white paper.
  • Detailed a clear and simple activation strategy.
  • Delivered, brand on a page, intro and explanatory videos and supporting documentation.


“Massive job, so vital and with such far-reaching, long-term consequences. Well done”


– Ben Gleisner, Cogo CEO & Co-Founder